Decade of travel excellence
Endless places to discover
Thousands of happy explorers
We collect the following types of data:
– Personal identification details (e.g., name, email address, phone number)
– Travel-related information including date of birth, passport and visa details, gender, and membership card information from third-party travel suppliers such as airlines and hotels.
Most of the data we gather is provided directly by you when you:
– Register or place an order for our products or services.
– Complete a customer survey or provide feedback via our message boards or email.
– Use our website through your browser’s cookies.
– Make a travel inquiry online or by phone.
Additionally, we may receive data indirectly from:
– Third-party software, such as affiliate websites or databases.
We use your data to:
– Process your orders and manage your account.
– Send you special offers on products and services that might interest you.
– Inform you about any disruptions to your travel arrangements.
We do not share your data with any partner companies except with your consent. Data may be accessed by Holiday Dukes UK Brands, including:
When processing orders, we may share your data with credit reference agencies to prevent fraudulent transactions.
We securely store your data at a data processing center and retain it for seven years. After this period, we will encrypt and delete your data.
We may send you information about our products and services, as well as those of our partner companies. If you consent to receive marketing communications, you can opt-out at any time.
To stop receiving marketing communications, email us at
You have the following rights regarding your personal data:
– Access: Request copies of your personal data. We may charge a small fee for this service.
– Rectification: Request correction or completion of inaccurate or incomplete information.
– Erasure: Request deletion of your personal data under certain conditions.
– Restriction of Processing: Request restriction of data processing under specific conditions.
– Data Portability: Request transfer of your data to another organization or directly to you under certain conditions.
We will respond to requests within one month. To exercise any of these rights, contact us at
Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behavior data. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website.
For more information about cookies, visit
We use cookies for:
– Keeping you signed in.
– Understanding how you use our website.
Our website uses:
– Functionality Cookies: To recognize you and remember your preferences, such as language and location.
– Advertising Cookies: To collect information about your visit, including content viewed and links followed. This data may be shared with third parties for advertising purposes. You might see ads based on your browsing patterns on other sites.
You can set your browser to reject cookies, though some website features may not work properly as a result. Instructions for managing cookies are available on the website mentioned above.
Our website may contain links to other sites. This privacy policy applies only to our website. Please review the privacy policies of any third-party sites you visit.
We regularly review and update our privacy policy. This version was last updated on May 25th, 2024.
For questions about our privacy policy or the data we hold, or to exercise your data protection rights, contact us via:
If you wish to file a complaint or feel that we haven’t addressed your concerns satisfactorily, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at
Let’s Hear it from Their Side
Check out the overwhelming responses of those who recently experienced their holidays with us. Discover what keeps our customers coming back for more and let their stories inspire your next getaway.
"I highly recommend Noah from Holiday Dukes for their excellent customer service and personalized attention."
"Noah was very helpful in finding the perfect accommodation for us. We even worked late on a Sunday evening. We highly recommend him."
"The customer service at Holiday Dukes is top-notch. They went above and beyond to ensure I had a smooth travel experience, special thanks to Oscar."
"Just booked my first holiday with Dukes and I am very much looking forward to our holiday in Dubai. Noah worked hard to get everything organised and made sure all the necessary arrangements are made."
Globel Gems Are Calling
Travel seamlessly with Holiday Dukes to explore destinations that are already ruling hearts and inspiring tourists across the globe
for all right reasons!